Corporate Fact Sheet
In business since 1989
In business since 1989
Aromatics + Flavors Inc. has conducted Research and Product Development and manufacturing of high-quality flavor and fragrance blends from its Scarborough, Ontario facility since 1990.
Registered with Health Canada
Registered with Health Canada
We are also registered with Health Canada as an importer/manufacturer under the Precursor Control Act and have a licensed Canada Excise Bond Room Facility for the storage of specific materials.
RIFM and IOFI adherence
RIFM and IOFI adherence
Aromatics + Flavors Inc. supports and strictly follows all guidelines of the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and the International Organization of the Flavor Industry (IOFI).
HACCP Certified
HACCP Certified
We strictly follow a HACCP Food Safety program implemented with the assistance of Cibus Consulting Inc. and will achieve final provincial approval early in the year 2008. Detailed documentation and paper trails began in 2004 and our food safety committee meets regularly to ensure continued compliance and worker education.
WHMIS Training & GMPS
WHMIS Training & GMPS
All management staff and plant workers are trained in W.H.M.I.S. and Occupational Health & Safety Act procedures. Good Management Practices (GMP’S) are followed throughout our Scarborough facility as the logical result of the HACCP and Health & Safety training.
Product Testing
Product Testing
Wet chemistry tests include Specific Gravity, Refractive Index, Flashpoint, PH, along with detailed visual and olfactory testing of each lot by an in-house lab panel with more than a century of combined industry experience.
All results are compared with previous lots before release by the Q.A. Manager to ensure continued product integrity.
QA testing and procedures
QA testing and procedures
Rigorous Quality Assurance testing is conducted on all incoming raw materials and finished flavor & fragrance blends and detailed Certificates of Analyses and M.S.D.S. accompany all lots shipped.
Traceability Cross-Reference
Traceability Cross-Reference
All finished product labels are cross-referenced in multiple areas such as batch sheets, C. of A.’s and AFI’s internal records to further ensure uncompromised traceability.
Health & Safety Audits
Your Content Goes HereHealth & Safety Audits
Aromatics + Flavors Inc. regularly conducts internal HACCP and Health & Safety audits to continually ensure the integrity of our Food and Worker Safety program. Documentation of all internal audits and continual worker-management input help keep our Food Safety program vigorous and compliant with all relevant legislation.
GRAS Standards Compliance
GRAS Standards Compliance
Our manufacturing facility is food allergen-free and all our flavors are manufactured with ingredients that comply with Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) standards of the Flavor & Extract Manufacturer’s Association (FEMA).
Full Recall Traceability
Full Recall Traceability
As part of our HACCP Program, detailed recall procedures and raw material flow charts ensure total traceability of product throughout the supply chain.